Comprehensive MOT Test Centre Information Near Me

Find the nearest MOT Test Centres. Enter your postcode in the search box and we'll find all the MOT Stations near you ordered by distance. In addition to a handy map we will also include booking telephone numbers and, where possible, opening times. If you have a car, van, motor bike, private passenger vehicle or, even, a trike, we'll list all the M.O.S. Test Centers near you.

MOT Test Centre Counties

UK MOT Test Centres in Na H-Eileanan An Iar

Pabail Uarach and Upper Bayble
Crois Dùghaill
Miabhaig and Meavaig
Cill Donnain and Kildonan
Rodel and Roghadail
Earsairidh and Earsary
Leumrabhagh and Lemreway
Portvoller and Port Mholair
Scotvein and Scotbheinn
Kilerivagh and Cill Eireabhagh
Kyles Flodda and Caolas Fhlodaigh
Àird Uig
Baile na Creige and Craigston
Sgalpaigh and Scalpay
Sruth Mòr
Baile Mhàrtainn and Balmartin
An t-Ob
Gearraidh na h-Aibhne and Garynahine
Àird a' Mhulaidh and Ardvourlie
Lìonal and Lionel
Àird Dhail
Seisiadar and Sheshader
Lingreabhagh and Lingarabay
Drinisiadar and Drinishader
Valtos and Bhaltos
Botarubha and Botarua
Reinigeadal and Rhenigidale
Brue and Brù
Suainebost and Swainbost
Knock and An Cnoc
Melbost and Mealabost
Shiltenish and Sildinis
Baile Ailein
Na Gearrannan and Garenin
Marvig and Marbhig
Nis and Ness
Gleann Dail bho Dheas and South Glen Dale
Dail bho Dheas and South Dell
Geirinis and Gerinish
Gleann Tholastaidh
Swordale and Suardail
Dalabrog and Daliburgh
Tong and Tunga
Caolas and Caolis
Athmòr and Ahmore
New Tolsta and Bail' Ur Tholastaidh
Eòradal and Eorodale
Dreumasdal and Drimsdale
Grimsay and Griomasaigh
Holm and Tolm
Àird Mhidhinis
Sgiogarstaigh and Skigersta
Baile na h-Iolairne and Eagleton
Ardmore and Àird Mhòr
Baile Raghnill and Balranald
Vatersay and Bhatarsaigh
Bàgh Mòr
Meavaig and Miabhaig
Siadar and Shader
Fleisirin and Flesherin
Habost and Tàbost
Iochdar and Eochar
Bàgh a' Chàise
Taobh a Tuath Loch Aineort and North Locheynort
Staoinebrig and Stoneybridge
Locheport and Loch Euphort
Manish and Mànais
Gravir and Grabhair
Gearraidh Bhaird and Garyvard
Dail bho Thuath and North Dell
Ceann Shìphoirt
Claddach Kirkibost and Cladach Chirceboist
Na Buirgh and Borve
Cros and Cross
Gleann dail bho Tuath and North Glendale
Am Baile and Balla
Ceann Tangabhal and Kentangaval
Calanais and Callanish
Srom Ban and Strombane
Màraig and Maaruig
Carragraich and Carragreich
Strond and Srannda
Àird Mhìghe and Ardvey
Dùn Chàrlabhaigh and Doune Carloway
Bun Abhainn Eadarra and Bunavoneadar
Uigean and Uigen
Creag Ghoraidh and Creagory
Sulaisiadar and Shulishader
Allathasdal and Allasdale
Keose Glebe and Glib Cheois
Bràigh na h-Aoidhe
Griais and Gress
Cirbhig and Kirivick
Baile an Truiseil and Ballantrushal
Caolas Scalpaigh and Kyles Scalpay
Fleoideabhagh and Flodabay
Cairisiadar and Carishader
Loch Baghasdail and Lochboisdale
Siabost and Shawbost
Rhughasinish and Rubha Ghaisinis
Direcleit and Diraclett
Borghastan and Borrowston
Eòlaigearraidh and Eoligarry
Borgh and Borve
Bornais and Bornish
Thiarabhagh and Bayherivagh
Eadar Dha Fhadhail
Orasaigh and Orinsay
Brocair and Broker
Coig Peighinnean
Àird Asaig and Ardhasaig
Clachan na Luib
Bàgh a'Chaisteil and Castlebay
Carloway and Càrlabhagh
Aird Tong and Àird Thunga
Cadha and Caw
Port Nis and Port Ness
Geàrraidh na Mònadh
Cliobh and Cliff
Àird nan Strùban
Tolastadh bho Thuath and North Tolsta
Achamore and Acha Mòr
Ceallan and Kallin
Ceann a Tuath Loch Baghasdail
Eòropaidh and Eoropie
Hacklet and Haclait
Boirseam and Borsham
Gearraidh Bhailteas and Milton
Brèibhig and Brevig
Claddach Kyles and Cladach a' Chaolais
Taobh a' Chaolais and East Kilbride
Tabost and Habost
Tarbert and An Tairbeart
Abhainn Suidhe
Lionacleit and Liniclate
Cladach Chairinis
Steòrnabhagh and Stornoway
Ceann Hurnavay
Lochcarnan and Loch a' Chàrnain
Tigh a' Ghearraidh and Tigharry
Cladach Chnoc a Lin
Ruisigearraidh and Ruisgarry
Miabhaig and Meavag
Col Uarach and Upper Coll
Sgarasta Mhor
Cille Bhrìghde and West Kilbride
Breascleit and Breasclete
Tobha Mòr and Howmore
Gearraidh Dubh and Gearradubh
Breaclete and Breacleit
Sanndabhaig and Sandwick
Taobh Tuath
Rubha Dubh
Loch Sgioport and Lochskipport
Rubha Ban
Circebost and Kirkibost
Dùn Gainmhich and Dunganachy
Fionnsabhagh and Finsbay
Smeircleit and Smerclate
Dail Mòr
Baile a' Mhanaich and Balivanich
Buaile nam Bodach and Balnabodach
Mangarstadh and Mangersta
Griminis and Griminish
Bun a' Mhuillinn
Cille Pheadair
Leac a' Lì and Lackalee
Eilean Anabaich
Lundal and Lundale
Clachan Shannda and Clachan Sands
Cliuthar and Cluer
Cleat and Cleit
Loch nam Madadh and Lochmaddy
Gabhsann bho Dheas and South Galson
Linsiadar and Linshader
Cromor and Cromore
Àird Cumhang
Tolastadh a' Chaolais and Tolsta Chaolais
Solas and Sollas
Airidh a Bhruaich and Arivruaich
Bruairnis and Bruernish
Aignish and Aiginis
Àird Mhòr and Ardmhor
Taobh a' Ghlinne
Tobha Beag
Baile nan Cailleach
Timsgearraidh and Timsgarry
Kneep and Cnip
Haun and Haunn
Tacleit and Hacklete
Loch a' Ghainmhich
Peighinn nan Aoireann and Peninerine
Caolas Stocinis and Kyles Stockinish
Borve and Borgh
Govig and Gobhaig
Àird Shleibhe
Nasg and Nask
Cladach Iolaraigh
Gabhsann bho Thuath
Leacainn and Leachcan
Lower Bayble and Pabail Iarach
Taobh a' Deas Baghasdail and South Lochboisdale
Hogha Gearraidh and Hougharry
Cnoc Cuidhein
Tobha Beag and Howbeg
Port nan Giùran and Portnaguran
Aisgernis and Askernish
Taobh a Deas Loch Aineort and South Locheynort
Leth Meadhanach
Scadabhagh and Scadabay

When to get an MOT

The MOT test is designed to check that your vehicle meets road safety and environmental standards defined by the Department for Transport.

The rules that determine when you need to MOT your vehicle depend on the type of vehicle you have and what you use it for. These rules are grouped into Classes which currently include 1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 5, 5a and 7. Broardly speaking you need to MOT your vehicle on;

  • the third anniversary of its registration
  • the anniversary of its last MOT, if it's over 3 years old
The exception to this is vehicles that are categorised as Class 4, 5 and 5a which need to be MOT tested every 12 months.

Driving a vehicle without an MOT can attract a fine of up to £1,000

Expired MOT certificate

It is not acceptable to drive a vehicle if its MOT has certificate expired. Doing so can result in a prosecution. Exceptions to this rule are;

  • to or from somewhere to be repaired,
  • to a pre-arranged MOT test1.

1A pre-arranged MOT test is one that has been arranged in advance. If you are stopped on the way to a drop in MOT test centre without an appointment you may not qualify for an exemption.

MOT renewal

An MOT lasts for a calendar year. The MOT expiration date is printed on the MOT pass certificate.

It is important to ensure your vehicle's MOT test certificate is renewed before the MOT test due date. This is can be done as early as a month minus 1 day before the expiration of the current certificate or anniversary of the registration of the vehicle. It is acceptable to get a new MOT test certificate at any time, however, the start date of the certificate will change if the renewal date is more than a month minus a day before the expiration of the current certificate.

MOT Test Fees and Class Descriptions

The Department for Transport has specified maximum fees that MOT test centres can charge. These are broken down by the Class of the vehicle as this roughly equates to the amount of effort required by the MOT Test Centre to carry out the test. The following table explains the Classes and associated costs.

ClassVehicle TypeAge before
MOT (years)
1Motorcycle (engine size up to 200cc)3£ 29.65
1Motorcycle with sidecar (engine size up to 200cc)3£ 37.80
2Motorcycle (engine size over 200cc)3£ 29.65
2Motorcycle with sidecar (engine size over 200cc)3£ 37.80
33-wheeled vehicles (up to 450kg unladen weight)3£ 37.80
43-wheeled vehicles (over 450kg unladen weight)3£ 54.85
4Cars (up to 8 passenger seats)3£ 54.85
4Motor caravans3£ 54.85
4Quads (max unladen weight 400kg - for goods vehicles 550kg and max net power of 15kw)3£ 54.85
4Dual purpose vehicles3£ 54.85
4Private hire and public service vehicles (up to 8 seats)3£ 54.85
4Ambulances and taxis1£ 54.85
4Private passenger vehicles and ambulances (9 to 12 passenger seats)1£ 57.30
4Goods vehicles (up to 3,000kg design gross weight)3£ 54.85
4aClass 4 vehicles (9 to 12 passenger seats) with a seat belt installation check£ 64.00
5Private passenger vehicles and ambulances (13 to 16 passenger seats)1£ 59.55
5Private passenger vehicles and ambulances (more than 16 passenger seats)1£ 80.65
5Playbuses1£ 80.65
5aClass 5 vehicles (13 to 16 passenger seats) with a seatbelt installation check£ 80.50
5aClass 5 vehicles (more than 16 passenger seats) with a seatbelt installation check£ 124.50
7Goods vehicles (over 3,000kg up to 3,500kg design gross weight)3£ 58.60

Test Failures and Retests

If your vehicle has failed its MOT Test you may qualify for a free or reduced retest.

If the MOT Test Centre carries out the repair then ordinarily they would retest the vehicle at a reduced cost or no cost at all, depending on the nature of the work and the time between the two MOT tests.

If you decide to take your vehicle away for repair you will need to ensure that your vehicle's current certificate is still valid. If your certificate is no longer valid then you will only be able to take your vehicle to a repair agent to get the defects corrected and to an MOT Test Centre with a pre-arranged MOT test appointment. You will not be able to take your vehicle to any other location.

If you have taken your vehicle away for repair and manage to return it to the same test centre before the end of the next working day for a retest, the MOT Test Centre will not charge for the partial retest, assuming the repair is one or more of the following items;

  • access panels
  • battery
  • bonnet
  • bootlid
  • brake pedal antislip
  • break glass hammer (class 5 vehicles only)
  • doors (including hinges, catches and pillars)
  • door open warning device (class 5 vehicles only)
  • dropsides
  • electrical wiring
  • emergency exits and signs (class 5 vehicles only)
  • entrance door remote control (class 5 vehicles only)
  • entrance/exit steps (class 5 vehicles only)
  • fuel filler cap
  • headlamp cleaning or levelling devices (that doesn’t need a headlamp aim check)
  • horn
  • lamps (excluding headlamp aim)
  • loading door
  • main beam 'tell-tale'
  • mirrors
  • rear reflectors
  • registration plates
  • seatbelts (but not anchorages), seatbelt load limiter and seatbelt pre-tensioner
  • seats
  • sharp edges or projections
  • stairs (class 5 vehicles only)
  • steering wheel
  • tailboard
  • tailgate
  • trailer electrical sockets
  • towbars (excluding body around anchorage points)
  • tyre pressure monitoring system
  • vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • windscreen glass, wipers and washers
  • wheels and tyres (excluding motorcycles and motorcycles with sidecar)
If the repair is for another fault or you do not get your vehicle back within the time period then you are eligible for a charge.

If you return your vehicle, after a repair, within 10 working days of the original test then the MOT Test Centre can complete a partial test which may be free or at a reduce charge. If it is not within this period then the MOT Text Centre will need to carry out a full test for which a full charge can be made.

Booking an MOT

MOT Test Centres offer a variety of methods for booking your vehicle in for a test. The primary means of booking is by phone. Our website offers a handy click to call facility if you are using a compatible device saving the need to save or write the number down. It is also worth noting that many sites now have online booking capabilities making it quick and easy for you to book your car in for a test.

MOT Test Centre maximum fees are controlled. Familiarise yourself with the Class of your vehicle and ensure that the MOT Test Centre does not charge you more than the maximum fee specified.

How does the MOT Test work?

An MOT test is an annual check of qualifying vehicles by an approved agent of items the Department of Transport has deemed essential for the safe operation of the vehicle on the public highway. Checks vary by vehicle category but all include essential items like headlights, seatbelt and tyres.

The MOT Test is designed to ensure the vehicle meets road safety and emission standards as defined by the Department for Transport. The test ensures your vehicle is in appropriate condition for use on the road. The MOT Test focuses on elements of the vehicle that ensure the safety of the driver, passengers and other road users. The Test does not concern itself with the condition of the vehicle's engine or gearbox, for example, but does focus on items such as seat belts, breaks and lights. For a full guide please read the MOT Inspection Manual.

Whilst the MOT Test is being performed you are allowed to view the Test from the MOT Public viewing area. You are not, however, allowed to interact with the Tester during the course of their duties.

MOT Test Completion

When the MOT Tester has completed the inspection you will be issued with a certificate. This can be an MOT Certificate, if the vehicle has passed, or a refusal of an MOT Test Certificate. In either case the outcome, along with the vehicles odometer reading will be recorded in the MOT test database, which is a national register.

If the vehicle has passed the MOT Test the MOT Certificate will be issued with, amoungst other things, the epiration date of the Certificate. You will need to repeat this process again before this date.

If the vehicle has NOT passed the MOT Test the refusal of an MOT Test Certificate will be issued which contains the reasons why the vehicle failed the test. If you decide to take the vehicle away for repair then please ensure you have familiarised yourself with the rules related to retesting your vehicle, especially if your MOT Test Certificate has expired.

If you feel you vehicle has been incorrectly failed then you may lodge an appeal with the DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency) by calling them on 0300 123 9000 week days between 7:30am to 6pm. You should also contact them if you think your MOT Test Certificate is not geniune or if you think your vehicle has passed when it shouldn't have.

Driving a vehicle in a dangerous condition can attract a fine of up to £2,000, a driving ban and 3 penalty points
Information on this site is correct at time of publication. We assume no responsibility for any incorrect data, ommissions or errors.
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